WLDB data list

Item Category : D. Physiographic Features

Item Name : D2 Climatic

List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Thermal profiles Lake Lacar sam07-04.gif
Thermal stratification (1977-1981, 1982-1985) Twin Lakes nam21-10.gif
Time-depth diagram for water temperature (1982) Lake Dillon nam22-02.gif
Time-depth diagram of water temperature (May 1982 to May 1983) Lake Todos los Santos sam11-02.gif
Time-depth isotherm (1974-1975) Kamloops Lake nam54-03.gif
Vertical and seasonal distribution of water temperature (1969-1970) Lake Tahoe nam02-02.gif
Vertical distribution of temperature, salinity and water current velocity (1978) Varna Lake eur35-02.gif
Vertical distribution of water temperature Lake Tanganyika afr06-02.gif
Vertical distribution of water temperature (June 22, 1977) Laguna de Bay asi13-02.gif
Vertical distribution of water temperature, depth 0-3m, Temp.28-34C Lake Tai asi26-02.gif
Vertical distribution of water temperature, DO, pH and specific conductance (1973) Western Brook Pond nam31-03.gif
Vertical distribution ofa water temperature and dissolved oxygen, Aug. 1939, Jul. 1955, May 1964) Lake Malawi afr13-02.gif
Vertical monthly temperature profile (1981) Lake Annecy eur45-03.gif
Vertical temperature distribution (Oct.1983, Feb.1989, Jul.1989, Jul. 1983) Lake Druksiai eur48-03.gif
Vertical water temperature distribution (Jan. and Aug. 1988) Lake Uvildy eur52-03.gif
Water temp. at 0m and-60m, by month (1977-1978) Loch Shiel eur26-02.gif
Loch Awe eur27-02.gif
Water temp. Conductivity, DO, Aug. and Jun, depth profiles (1984) Garrow Lake nam50-02.gif
Water temp. seasonal change by month (1977-1978) Loch Morar eur25-02.gif
Water temperature (1962-1984, 1985) Lake Maggiore eur05-03.gif