WLDB data list

Item Category : D. Physiographic Features

Item Name : D2 Climatic

List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Isopleths of the depth of isothermal surface (1988) Lake Uvildy eur52-04.gif
Isotherm Wabamun Lake nam45-04.gif
Isotherm profile, depth vs. month (1980) Wood Lake nam52-02.gif
Isotherms (no data) Cahora Bassa afr14-02.gif
Mean increase of surface water temperature by thermal discharge (decreasing from 10.0 Co to 1.1 Co) Lake Stechlin eur31-17.gif
Mean monthly temperature and precipitation (1891-1990); Water temperature (1983-1987) Krasnoyarskoye Reservoir asi-56-d2.xls
Mean monthly temperature, water temperature (1985) Lake Kojima asi-37-d2.txt
Mean temp an1973, 1974); Water temp. by depth, monthly (1973-1974) Lake Taal asi-58-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly Lower Lake ( as part of Lake Bhopal) asi-47-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly (1951, 1980) The West Lake asi-53-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly (1951-1980, 1951-1970); Water temp. monthly (1980-1981, 1976-1978) Lake Songkhla asi-02-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly (1956-1958; Water temp. monthly (1959) Lake Tai asi-26-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly (1960-1970) Lake Kariba afr-04-d2.txt
Mean temp and precip. monthly (1962-1980); Water temp. monthly (1965-1977) Lake Changshou asi-50-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly; Water temp. 0.5m, monthly (1988) Lake Qionghai asi-48-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly; Water temp. at -0.5m Lake Sancha asi-49-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly; Water temp. by depth, hourly (3 Aug. 1980) Lake Parakrama asi-45-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly; Water temp. by depth, monthly (1971) Tasek Bera asi-15-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly; Water temp. by depth, monthly (1984, 1988) Bratskoye Reservoir asi-61-d2.xls
Mean temp and precip. monthly; Water temp. on surface, monthly (1960) Lake West asi-62-d2.xls