WLDB data list

Item Category : E. Water Quality

Item Name : E7 Nitrogen

List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
NH4, NO3; 0.5m (1988) Lake Qionghai asi-48-e7.xls
NH4-N and NO3-N, -0.5m (1983) Lake Dongting asi-11-e7.xls
NH4-N and NO3-N, monthly, by depth (1977-1979) Starnberger See eur-24-e7.xls
NH4-N and NO3-N, monthly, South Basin (1974-1975) Windermere eur11-08.gif
NH4-N isopleths, monthly, by depth 0-250m (1980-1981) Lake Constance eur33-09.gif
NH4-N monthly profile by depth Lake Stechlin eur31-04.gif
NH4-N on surface and bottom, monthly (1978-1981) Lake Kojima asi37-06.gif
NH4-N, depth conc. profile (1957, 1960, 1972) Lake Geneva eur07-09.gif
NH4-N, isopleth profile, depth vs. month (1980-1981) Wood Lake nam52-05.gif
NH4-N, monthly (1979) Lake Chivero afr08-10.gif
NH4-N, monthly (Mar.-Nov., 1983-1984) Lake Maggiore eur05-09.gif
NH4-N, monthly by depth (1975-1987) Lough Neagh eur-34-e7.xls
NH4-N, monthly by depth (1984-1986) Lake Orta eur46-06.gif
NH4-N, monthly by depth (1986) Zurich See eur-06-e7.xls
Lake Constance eur-33-e7.xls
NH4-N, monthly, by depth (1985-1986) Ammersee eur-23-e7.xls
NH4-N, monthly, in surface water, in the rest (1982) Cayuga Lake nam-17-e7.xls
NH4-N, No3-N, by depth Kanhargaov Reservoir asi-63-e7.xls
NH4-N, NO3-N, by depth, bystation (1975) Lake Ba Be asi-64-e7.xls
NH4-N, No3-N, by depth, monthly (1978, 1980) Manasbal Lake asi-57-e7.xls