WLDB data list

Item Category : E. Water Quality

Item Name : E2 pH

List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Lake center, surface, monthly (Feb.^Aug. 1984) Lake Ypacarai sam-08-e2.xls
Mar-May, Jun-Aug, Sep-Nov, Dec-Feb for 0.1m and 100m (1970-1979) Krasnoyarskoye Reservoir asi-56-e2.xls
Mar. and Aug. at 3 stations, by depth (1983-1987) Lake Paijanne eur-19-e2.xls
Lake Ree eur-21-e2.xls
Lake Pielinen eur-18-e2.xls
Mean conc. Measured at the overturn (1950-1985) Lake Orta eur46-09.gif
Min, Max, Ann in Epilimnion, Hypolimnion (1927, 1950, 1951, 1952) Cayuga Lake nam-17-e10.xls
Min, Max, Annual Mean (Apr.1985-Mar.1986) Lake Volvi eur-40-e2.xls
Min. Max. Ann. by depth (May-Sep.1975) Lake Thingvalla eur-42-e2.xls
Min. Max., Ann. (July 1978, 1983) Lake Eyre oce-04-e2.xls
Monthly (1968) Cayuga Lake nam-17-e2.xls
Monthly (1969) Lake Winnipeg nam-08-e2.xls
Monthly (1972, 1973) Tjeuke meer eur01-03.gif
Monthly (1973-1975) Broa Reservoir sam-01-e2.xls
Monthly (1976) Pyramid Lake nam-23-e2.xls
Monthly (1977-1978) Loch Ness eur-08-e2.xls
Lake Skadar eur-09-e2.txt
Monthly (1977-1979) Starnberger See eur-24-e2.xls
Monthly (1979) Lake Chivero afr08-07.gif
Lake Ontario nam-07-e2.xls