WLDB data list

Item Category : Photos

Item Name : Scenery

List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Spillways at Akosombo Volta Lake afr16.jpg
Swimming beach in the provincial park in the south basin Lake Winnipeg nam08.jpg
View of Station 5 lookingnorth, Copper Island in the background Shuswap Lake nam47.jpg
View over the lake from Dzimwe Lake Malawi afr13.jpg
Water-hyachinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ) and fishing boats Laguna de Bay asi13.jpg
Weatern part of the lake with Usu Volcanos Lake Toya asi17.jpg
Western shore of the lake, Rift Valley mountains in the background Lake Albert afr11.jpg
Yachting on the lake in summer Lake Kizaki asi32.jpg