WLDB data list

Item Category : I. Deterioration and Hazards

Item Name : I4 Acidification

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List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Lake water and rain water pHs (1973-1985) Lake Paijanne eur-19-i4.xls
Metals, airborne organics Lake Michigan nam-03-i4.xls
pH (1882-1985) Pyramid Lake nam-23-i4.xls
pH at 3 locations (1976-1985) Lake Inawashiro asi14-03.gif
pH change, N, P, C, S, Na, K, Ca, Mg (1979-1987) Lake Slapy eur-39-i4.xls
PH of rainwater (Jun, Jul. Aug. Sep. 1988) Lake Vortsjarv eur-47-i4.xls
pH, Monthly Lake Superior nam-04-i4.xls