WLDB data list

Item Category : E. Water Quality

Item Name : E7 Nitrogen and E8 Phosphorus

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List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Inorganic-N, mean concentrations, horizontal profile (1971) Lake Superior nam04-06.gif
Monthly NO2-N, NO3-N, PO4-P and TP Oguta Lake afr18-02.gif
No3-N, PO4-P, SiO2, Long-term trends (1930-1980) Windermere eur11-12.gif
Relative T-N and T-P concentrations as percentage of 1968-1969 means Lake Trummen eur12-03.gif
T-N T-P plot for years between 1969 and 1976 Lake Trummen eur12-04.gif