WLDB data list

Item Category : E. Water Quality

Item Name : E1 Temperature

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List of Data
Item TitleLake NameItemMore Info.
Depth vs. Temperature (1964) Lake Edward afr12-02.gif
Isotherm, depth vs. temperature (1979) Lake Chivero afr08-06.gif
Monthly (1968-1976) Lake Trummen eur12-02.gif
Monthly (1977) Tjeuke meer eur01-02.gif
Monthly (1985) Lake Maggiore eur05-02.gif
Monthly, before (1960) and after (1967) construction of a dam Lake Slapy eur39-02.gif
Surface water temperature and average maximum air temperature, by season (1974) Lake Nasser afr19-05.gif
Surface water temperature, monthly (1976-1978) Lake Chivero afr08-05.gif
Temperature profiles, horizontal and vertical (1960, 1961) Lake Albert afr11-02.gif
Thermal stratification, depth vs. hours (Sep.1, 1979) Lake Parakrama asi45-02.gif
Water temp. at 0m and-60m, by month (1977-1978) Loch Lomond eur28-02.gif
Water temperature and percent oxygen saturation, at different water levels Lake Nasser afr19-09.gif