San Roque Reservoir SAM-06

Riparian Nation(s) Argentina
Surface Area 17 km2 Mean Depth 11 m Volume 0.19 km3
Shoreline 54.5 km Catchment Area 1750 km2 Residence Time 0.373 yr
Frozen Period None Mixing Type Monomictic Morphogenesis/Dam Artificial
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San Roque Reservoir is located in the Provionce of Cordoba at 600 m above sea level in Punilla Valley. It was created by the construction of the dams - the first one was built in 1888 and the second one, only a few meters distant from the former dam, replaced it in 1944 - for supplying tap water to the city of Cordoba, covering irrigation water needs, controlling floods, hydroelectric power generation and recreational purposes. The Cosquin and San Antonio Rivers and Las Mojarras and Los Chorrillos Streams flow into the reservoir, which is drained by the Suquia.

The reservoir is situated on an inverse fault by which Punilla Valley was formed. The risen botck (eastern side) corresponds to the Sierras Chicas. Geologically, it lies on a metamorphic crystalline basement covered by continental tertiary sediments, though there are different types of intrusion in its margilal parts, such as granite and diorite in the western margin, crystalline schist and limestone in the eastern margin, and quarternary deposits in the northern and southern margin.

The catchment area lies in a moderate subtropical climate with an average annual precipitation of 650 mm and an average humidity of 65%.

San Roque Reservoir plays an important role as the source of water for domestic uses in Cordoba city as well as for industries and irrigation. Its significance as hydroelectric power generator depends on the requirements from industrial and other sectors. Besides, it has encouraged the development of recreational activities in the territory's central area, e. g. sport-fishing, various water sports, motor boat races, cruising, etc. More than 50% of facilities for tourist reception in Cordoba Province are concentrated in the Valley of Punilla. Villa Carlos Paz area-an entrance gate to Cordoba Mountains-has the highest tourist density, and offers a variety of bathing sites (Q, 1).

Photo of San Roque Reservoir
Photo: J. G. Gavilan