Lake Trasimeno EUR-29

Riparian Nation(s) Italy
Surface Area 124 km2 Mean Depth 4.72 m Volume 0.58 km3
Shoreline 53.1 km Catchment Area 396 km2 Residence Time 24.4 yr
Frozen Period Jan Mixing Type Morphogenesis/Dam
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The formation of Lake Trasimeno began in the Upper Miocene Period following high intensity orogenic movements. In the later ages, particularly during the Quaternary, other orogenic and epeirogenetic movements caused the formation of the present day basin.

Lake Trasimeno has an extensive surface area, 124 km2 and is only 6.3 m deep. It is the fourth largest lake in Italy. It has a watershed area of 396 km2. The shores are shallow, marshy and filled by dense submerged and emerged aquatic vegetation. It is rich in both migratory and sedentary avifauna.

There is little industry along the lake; the greater activity (in order of importance) are: agriculture (in a broad sense), fishing (in decline due to fewer fishermen) and tourism (increasing development).

Photo of Lake Trasimeno
Photo: O. Tiberi