Attersee EUR-03

Riparian Nation(s) Austria
Surface Area 46 km2 Mean Depth 84.2 m Volume 3.94 km3
Shoreline 50 km Catchment Area 464 km2 Residence Time 7 yr
Frozen Period Rare Mixing Type Dimictic Morphogenesis/Dam Glacial
Related Info/Site Mondsee (47.821N 13.380E)


With a length of 19.5 km and a maximum width of 3.3 km Attersee is the largest lake within the Austrian borders. According to its glacial origin, most of the western and northern part of the lake is characterized by moraine material. The eastern and southern area consists of flysch and limestone respectively. Situated in the prealpine region of Upper Austria, the lake and its immediate area is primarily used for agriculture and touristic recreation. Attersee is the last link in a chain of lakes within the catchment area. Fifty-five percent of the surface inflow of the lake comes from Mondsee, via a 2 km-long river. This tributary contributes up to 60% of the total annual phosphorus load to Attersee. However, the lake is still to be classified as oligotrophic. The construction of a system of sewers collecting domestic sewage was finished in 1980. This measure was taken in order to prevent eutrophication due to continuously increasing tourist activities.

Photo of Attersee
Photo: L. Beckel